This has been a wonderful year for Rizk Ventures. We have undertaken many large initiatives, including the acquisition of Classroom 24-7, an online education company that focuses on online training and management of distributed workforces, continuing education programs for professionals, and graduate degree programs at top-tier institutions. In addition, we founded Counter Human Trafficking Compliance Solutions (CHTCS), a global compliance and advisory company that provides specialized programs and services required to combat human trafficking, forced labor, and child labor within corporate supply chains. We also had the honor to sponsor the Operation Game On Golf Classic where we met and spoke with many veterans and their families. Their stories and courage continue to inspire us.
We recently celebrated the end of a wonderful year at the Rizk Ventures Holiday Party this past weekend. We gathered at the historic Rockefeller Estate to celebrate with all of our friends and family. The party was held in the Playhouse, a building on the Rockefeller estate filled with a bowling alley, billiards room, indoor tennis courts, and much more. Every room of the building was filled with beautiful touches, including three fireplaces brought from John D. Rockefeller’s New York property. We were joined by the CHTCS and Classroom 24-7 teams, who both work diligently and tirelessly for their great causes. Geoff had the fantastic opportunity to pay it forward by honoring Alonzo and Tracy Mourning’s foundation with a donation for Tracy’s Honey Shine program, a wonderful initiative to develop the mind body and soul of women in need through mentoring. Alonzo Mourning provided guests with an inspiring speech about his foundation and the importance of communal support towards the success of any individual.
Grammy nominated Musician and Songwriter, Skylar Grey, also provided us with entertainment for the evening. Skylar performed her hit song “I’m Coming Home” which she dedicated to our troops, many of which were in attendance that night.
On behalf of the whole Rizk Ventures team, I would like to extend a very warm thank you to all our friends, family, clients, and those who serve our country in the armed forces. We would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season and a joyous New Year!